
Hello friends and fans!

re-write with date correction! Let's welcome 2024 :)

Published 6 months ago • 3 min read

Victors Musical Adventures

Let 2024 begin! A couple of updates and a big ole' HELLO!

How is everyone doing out there!? Are you having a good 2024? Tell me, what is something you're looking forward to this year that you didn't have or do last year? Well, I just wanted to touch basis and let yall know what i've been up to, and what I am looking forward to this 2024!

Well shoot, i guess first things first, these type of thoughts that have been on my mind going into this new year.. "I'm in Nashville, I think I want to start a band, but who with? and will it be old-time?" "Okay, i am loving doing my Patreon but i want it to resonate with the culture Old-time music, and sometimes the digital aspect of it can cause a hurdle.."I have a bunch of weird original tunes, now i want to record them.. should i do electric, acoustic, full band, solo???" "I love where i live, i love my girlfriend, and i love freedom and being in control of my time, what are some ways achieve financial freedom?"

So, on the few weeks coming up to 2024, i decided to make a plan for 2024, a set of habits with the hope that they will help me achieve my goals. Fitness, meditation, creativity, affirmations, and less screen time, were on the top of that list. Caro and I spent all day printing out pictures and quotes making a vision board. with all of those things on it.

So what am i actually doing this year?

Patreon! - this is a big focus for me. I am creating lessons on tunes and techniques, doing livestreams, and really just trying to share my knowledge and love of banjo playing and create a strong community of banjo learners.

Concerts! - This is a bit all over the place, which is a good thing, I think. I've been doing shows with Earl White, Jake Eddy, Nate Leath, and some solo stuff. I honestly have no idea what will formulate but i'm sure something new will! You can check my website for tour dates

Camps! - Spread the word folks, Cathy Fink and I are hosting a banjo intensive weekend in Takoma Park Maryland on February 16-18 this will be a great opportunity to study with us in person in an intimate and fun environment sign up here -

Midwest Banjo Camp June 6-9, is an incredible banjo camp with some of the best instructors around, over 150 students and many activities, i'm stoked!

June 6-9 Common Ground on the Hill July 7-13

. Another BIG thing i have been working on actually for the past few years is collaborating with Earl White and Addriene Davis on hosting camps at their farm in Floyd VA. If you have instagram, follow @fiddlinearlwhite for more info! there will be old-time camps, sourdough workshops, concerts, square-dances, and much more! They have cabins to stay in and incredible food from the bakey and garden which will be a part of the camps.

Recording! - I have been SOOO happy and honored to have some recording sessions in the books with some AMAZING musicians! I will restrain from telling you who i am recording with because i don't know if the artists want it to be public yet but stay tuned! ALSO It is a goal of mine to record some original music and release it this year so stay tune for that.

Singing! - Yes! my girlfriend Caro is an excellent singer, also a Berklee grad, and she has been guiding me on my singing journey, and i have been guiding her on her guitar and fiddle journey. we actually are working on duets and so far have learned Old Dog by Chris Coole. Check that out on my youtube channel

looking at alternative paths to income! - Yes, actually one of my goals on my vision board is to work with people outside of music, and learn as much as i can about other fields of work. So far i have been learning a lot about digital marketing, Sublimation (for making merch) Baking sourdough bread, and cooking. Speaking of cooking, check out Caro and I's new cooking channel on Instagram and TikTok @vicandcaroskitchen

All the best,

Hello friends and fans!

Victor here inviting you to follow along in the journey :)

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